Steelhead Guide - Used

Steelhead Guide - Used

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Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition

Fly Fishing Techniques and Strategies for Lake Erie Steelhead

This guidebook, written by Lake Erie steelhead guide John Nagy,  teaches you everything you need to know to hook up with these magnificent fish.

Steelhead Guide, Fly Fishing Techniques and Strategies for Lake Erie Steelhead is a helpful guidebook for both the novice and the seasoned steelheader. It covers in detail the techniques, equipment, flies, steelhead behavior, stream conditions and weather that can all combine to produce a successful Lake Erie steelhead trip.

by John Nagy

Great Lakes Publishing, Pittsburgh 2000
Paperback, 192 pages
9" x  6"

Near new condition.



Introduction to the Second Edition

Chapter 1. Lake Erie Steelhead

Chapter 2. The Tributaries

Chapter 3. Weather and Stream Conditions

Chapter 4. Steelhead Behavior

Chapter 5. Techniques

Chapter 6. Equipment

Chapter 7. Ontario and Michigan Lake Erie Tributaries

Chapter 8. Closing

Appendix A. Local tackle shops, guide services,  weaher numbers, useful web sites, stream
                   flow data and hot line numbers

Appendix B. State fishery departments and regulations

Appendix C. Additional map sources and videos

Appendix D. Tackle, rod building and fly tying sources

Appendix E. Data from Lake Erie fishery reports and studies
