From the Introduction: It is the opinion of some anglers, this writer among them, that bait casting as it is commonly practiced today is crude and ineffective as compared to what it could be and what it should be. There is a specialized method, a variation of common plugging, which is a delight to employ, effective to the highest degree, and satisfactory in every respect. It is the uses of the 1/4-ounce lure and the specailized tackle that handles it perfectly,
I am of a firm conviction that the small lure properly handled will take many a fish that the large lure cannot touch, and I am positive that practically every bass that took a large lure would also have taken a small one. One reason is the fact that the spat of a tiny lure alighting on the surface of the water attracts fish, whereas the crash of a heavy plug all too frequently startles them. The other reason is that the tiny lure coincides to a great extent with the size of the food most commonly consumed by bass.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York NY 1950
Hardcover, 204 pages
8 1/4 x 6 3/4 in.
Fair condition. Worn dust jacket. Signed by a previous owner.
1. Practice and Theory
2. Evolution
3. Lures
4. Casting
5. Tackle
6. Hooking, Playing, and Landing
7. Resting Locations and Feeding Grounds
8. Night Casting
9. Fall Fishing
10. Field Problems
11. Reflections
12. Recollections
13. Conservation
In Retrospect