A solid, how-to-do-it book of facts on presenting fish with the food they naturally feed on.
how to fish with natural baits in both fresh and salt water, stream,
lake, tidal water, and offshore
how to find the right bait for the fish you want to attract
how to select and usse the right tackle
how to tie and use the all-important knots
"A useful source of basic reference about types of tackle, the various kinds of baits for both fresh and salt water and the proper rigs that have proved to be successful." Sports Afield
"Bait fishing is often treated as if putting a worm on a hook, throwing the line inthe water, and falling asleep until something either grabs or doewsn't grab the bait is all there is to it. This is very unfair. Since there are as many intricacies to thie game as to any other, and since knowing them can add to one's angling peleasure,e the gubject deserves respecrful consideration. In this book, Ray Ovington had given it just that" Field & Stream
Stackpole Books Harrisburg PA 1984
Paperback, 147 pages
8 1/4 x 5 1/2 in.
Good condition. Several price stamps on spine and rear cover.
Fishing Necessities and Accessories
Freshwater Bait Fishing
Saltwater Bait Fishing
Freshwater Species
Saltwater Species