The Forest MIU spoons were initially designed for fishing in Areas (private, managed pay-to-fish lakes) but they were so successful that Forest added more sizes and more colors with some sizes and color patterns clearly intended for native trout. Although most MIU spoons are painted, and look reasonably similar to all the other spoons on this page, The MIU Native Series also includes some Abalone spoons, which are unlike any lures I have ever seen. The spoons are iridescent, and as they move they shimmer - catching the light and reflecting rainbow colors in irregular bars, stripes or just splashes of bright color. A still photo cannot do them justice because the pattern changes as they move.
Each spoon is unique. Each spoon has it's own color pattern, which changes as the spoon moves. Photo shown appears to be a bit more colorful than most, but only because of the angle required for a good photo.