A Survey of the Literature Complete with Original Patterns 1747 - Present
By Sylvester Nemes
Best-known soft-hackled fly expert Sylvester Nemes gleans the most useful tips and advice from the history of writings on the soft-hackled fly. A comprehensive view of the varieties of soft-hackled flies, including 162 recipes, good fishing advice from past authors, and interesting stories about famous anglers of the past.
Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg PA 2004
Hardbound. 173 pages
9 1/4 x 6 3/8 in.
As new condition. No sign of wear.
1. Art of Angling (1747-1854)
Richard and Charles Bowlker
2. The Fly Fisher's Legacy (1800)
George Scotcher
3. The Fly Fisher's Guide (1816)
George C. Bainbridge
4. The Angler's Vade Mecum (1818)
W. Carroll
5. The Angler's Guide (1823)
T. F. Salter
6. The Angler's Manual (1836)
John Turton
7. The British Angler's Manual (1841)
T. C. Hofland
8. Vade Mecum of Fly Fishing for Trout (1841)
George P. R. Pulman
9. The Fly-Fisher's Entomology (1856)
Alfred Ronalds
10. The Practical Angler (1875)
W. C. Stewart
11. The Art of Trout Fishing on Rapid Streams (1863)
H. C. Cutcliffe
12. The American Angler's Book ( 1864)
Thaddeus Norris
13. A Book on Angling (1867)
Francis Francis
14. The Modern Practical Angler (1870)
H. Cholmondeley-Pennell
15. The Fishing Gazette (1877-1966)
16. British Angling Flies (1883)
Michael Theakston
17. The Angler and the Loop Rod (1885)
David Webster
18. North Country Flies (1886)
T. E. Pritt
Brook and River Trouting (1916)
Harfield H. Edmonds and Norman N. Lee
19. The Works of Charles Kingsley, Volume XV (1886)
Charles Kingsley
20. Books by G.E.M. Skues
Minor Tactics of the Chalk Stream (1914)
The Way of a Trout with a Fly (1921)
Side-Lines, Side-Lights & Reflections (1932)
Nymph Fishing for Chalk Stream Trout (1939)
21. The Natural Trout Fly and its Imitation (1921)
Leonard West
22. Books by John Waller Hills
A History of Fly Fishing for Trout (1921)
A Summer on the Test (1924)
River Keeper (1934)
23. The Flyfisher & the Trout's Point of View (1931)
Col. B. W. Harding
24. Trout Fishing from All Angles (1933)
The Lonsdale Library
25. Making and Using the Fly and Leader (1938)
Paul H. Young
26. The Art of Tying the Wet Fly (1941)
James E. Leisenring
27. The Book of the Rough Stream Nymph (1947)
William H. Lawrie
28. The Complete Fly Fisherman (1947)
Theodore Gordon; Edited by John McDonald
29. Modern Trout Dressing (1950)
Roger Woolley
30. Scottish Trout Flies (1966)
W. H. Lawrie
31. Clyde-Style Flies and their Dressings (1971)
John Reid